Extract from The Adventures of Pania and Kiwi – The Dragon in Imagination Land

“There’s a new boy at school,” Pania said. “Mindy said we shouldn’t play with him because he talks funny. Mindy said he’s not from here and who knows what type of strange customs he has.”

Kiwi did not like Mindy Jones. She came to Pania’s birthday party once. She didn’t like the cake. She didn’t like Pania’s house, and she said she wished Kiwi got eaten by a stoat! No, Kiwi did not like Mindy Jones one little bit.

pania and kiwi walking

Extract from The Adventures of Pania and Kiwi – The Dragon in Imagination land

“We have to pursue the dragon, Kiwi,” Pania said. “We have to find him, no matter what.”

Kiwi wondered what ‘no matter what’ meant. Did it mean that ‘what’ didn’t matter. And, who was this ‘what’ Pania was talking about, and if he didn’t matter, why didn’t he matter?

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The Adventures of Pania and Kiwi – The Dragon in Imagination Land

Woke up to some very exciting news this morning! My next book in The Adventures of Pania and Kiwi series (The Dragon in Imagination Land) has snuck on to Amazon’s Best Sellers list in Imagination and Play Fiction. Now I know it’s only number 82 on the list, but I am still super stoked! If you would like to get a copy, check out the link: https://amzn.com/B01FBNMYR

Extract: Pania and Kiwi – At the Beach

As Pania predicted, the rain did eventually stop and, when it happened, Kiwi immediately felt bad for thinking Pania might have been wrong. How could he be so silly? Pania was well known for her wisdom—why, even her family called her ‘a little know-it-all’. Kiwi was beginning to understand why. Maybe Pania really DID know it all!
 Extract from Pania and Kiwi – At the Beach. Available at Amazon http://amzn.com/B01EC580L4

The Adventures of Pania and Kiwi – At the beach

After months of illustrating and writing, my new children’s book is finally finished and has been published on Amazon Kindle. What a journey it’s been. This is the fifth book I’ve published and I seem to enjoy the process of creating a story more and more with each one.  For me the marketing has always been a nightmare and I sometimes wonder how readers manage to find my books at all! Feel free to check it out and let me know what you think 😀. Much love.



Review Spotlight – Peril, The Legend of Sedrak

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Amazon review by Samantha – Peril, The Legend of Sedrak

This book is so gripping. From the moment I picked it up I couldn’t put it down. The characters are instantly likeable and they are the sort of characters that you soon care about. Despite it being a fantasy book there is also an everyday ordinary aura to it. It is a great balance to it. Rake and Jakail are interesting and work well together. There is a spark to them, and they drive the story forward well. They seem alive and active, and have minds of their own.

The story flow well and it is easy to feel that you are a part of the book. It is easy to follow and stay with the story. There is an excitement to this book and it is brilliantly written. I found the descriptiveness to be good. it gave enough information to allow images to form, but enough room to allow each reader to visualise it their own way.

Overall this is a very enjoyable read. It is an ideal book to curl up with on a winter’s night. This book is a YA fantasy book, but if you are older (like me) don’t be put off picking it up.

Read more reviews for Peril, The Legend of Sedrak HERE.

Help with cover design decisions

My second novel, a Psychological Thriller, is a few months from being ready for publishing and I’m really struggling with deciding on a cover design. So far, I have two covers I like. They are vastly different from each other. It’s a serial killer story with moderate violence, and lots of suspense. Which of the covers below appeals to you most? Number 1 or Number 2?

Number 1:

Cover design 2

Number 2:

Cover design

Proposed new book cover

Very very excited today as I received the proposed book cover for my new novel, Yesterday’s Prison. Let me know what you think!

Cover design

Bits from the book . . .

Click image to buy Peril, The Legend of SedrakFEatured image

We found Chief Kudon the Wise’s house without much trouble. It was a towering fortress of stone that protruded out of the mountain as if trying to break free. At first things seemed to be working toward a good outcome. We requested an audience with the Chief, in the hope of finding Monnel, and were escorted by a brute of a Turonian without the need for further explanation. All seemed well.

As we entered a large room, my eyes fixated on the thoroughly intimidating figure who occupied the Chief’s seat. Continue reading

Little Miss Me and the Kidnappers

96 on 100 Best Sellers list

My children’s short story – Little Miss Me and the Kidnappers – has just barely snuck onto Amazon 100 Paid Best Sellers list in the Children’s Short Story category. Good way to start the day!